We offer two types of editing services

Choose between a STRUCTURAL EDIT and a COPY EDIT

Structural Edit

This service is for those who have written their manuscript - a novel, a memoir or a short story - and would like a full assessment of what is and isn’t working. We will read the entire manuscript and give you thorough and constructive written feedback. Once the appraisal document has been sent to you, you will have two weeks to take up an optional one-hour telephone consultation to discuss the report’s findings.

Copy Edit

Our copyediting service polishes up your manuscript and prepares it for public consumption, whether through self-publication or submission to an agent or traditional publisher. The structure, character arcs, setting and other elements of the story should all be firmly in place before the copyeditor goes through your entire manuscript, line by line, checking for:

  • · Grammatical errors

  • · Punctuation

  • · Point of view slips

  • · Use of language

  • · Confusing transitions

  • · Repetitions

  • · Consistency of tenses

  • · Spelling and typos

Require an editing service not covered here?

We do offer a bespoke one to one service, tailored to your individual needs.

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