Our copyediting service polishes up your manuscript and prepares it for public consumption, whether through self-publication or submission to an agent or traditional publisher.
The structure, character arcs, setting and other elements of the story should all be firmly in place before the copyeditor goes through your entire manuscript, line by line, checking for grammatical errors, punctuation, point of view slips, confusing transitions, etc.
The copyediting service is reserved for the final stage of the writing process, after a writer is sure that no major rewrites will be required. This service is suitable for you as a writer if you:
Have written and rewritten your manuscript and believe it is ready for that final polish.
Are sure that the structure, character arcs and all other elements are firmly in place, with no major rewrite required.
PS: If you don’t yet know how novel structure works, we have a course for that here: course information page,
The cost of this service varies according to the word count and the standard of the presenting copy. In order to provide you with a reliable quote, we will request a sample of your work along with the word count. For now, here is a guide to how we calculate our charges.
Novels & Memoirs - Full copy edit of up to 70,000 words of reasonably clean copy is £655, plus £7 for every 1,000 extra words.
Short Stories - Short stories up to 2,000 words are £35, plus £8 for every 1,000 extra words.
Firstly, congratulations on having got your manuscript ready for the next stage. We know only too well what a major achievement that is. You've worked hard to get this far; now pop the kettle on and let us help you the rest of the way.
We need to know a little more about your project to give you an accurate quote, so please email us with:
Your word count.
A random sample of 2,000 words.
Once we’ve looked at that, we’ll come back to you with a quote and a turnaround date (usually 2-4 weeks).